February 18, 2014 by AP-Networks 1 Comment Here we’ll be weighing in on the issues that are most important to turnaround and project teams. Since our company began, our goal has been to advance turnaround and project performance throughout industry. Only by creating a widespread knowledge base can we hope to achieve that goal. Breakout Sessions are the highlight of AP-Networks’ industry conferences. These sessions are all about getting turnaround and project professionals in a room, and letting them talk about the strategies they’re using—successfully and unsuccessfully—to solve the problems they face. That spirit of discussion and collaboration is something we want to promote here on our blog. So if you have any questions or comments, we encourage you to sound off in the Comments section under each post. To find out when new posts go live, follow us on LinkedIn.
Joseph Lopez says June 19, 2014 at 10:56 am Would appreciate some feedback on the following refinery turnaround duration definition: Turnaround Start: Operations to Mechanical Turnover (Mechanical work begins) Turnaround End: Mechanical Turnover to Operations (Mechanical work ends) Are there any other contemporary definitions? Reply