July 27, 2022 by AP-Networks Leave a Comment The year 2022 has brought a great deal of focus to refinery and petrochemical economics as we work to optimize plant operations after the peak of the pandemic. The successful execution of shutdown, turnaround, and outages (STOs) is more critical than ever as these events represent the most significant cost to business for process facilities. Following our successful virtual event in 2021, TINC and The Network Edge will again be online and virtual in 2022 with a complementary TINC half-day summit on November 30th and The Network Edge: Digital Platforms Orientation on December 1st. We’ll share exclusive drill-downs into industry performance to understand current STO performance trends along with actionable best practices to achieve event success. TINC also provides an in-depth look at the latest artificial intelligence capabilities and technologies to help your team optimize STO preparation and execution performance. The Network Edge on day two provides a deep dive into the latest digital platforms and tools to evaluate and prepare for STOs and achieve successful outcomes. TINC and The Network Edge will be held virtually, with all materials available on-demand exclusively to registered attendees following the event. Attend from wherever you are, access content whenever you want, and propel your organization forward to Industry-leading turnaround performance. Registration is limited to owner-operator organizations only at www.tincconference.com.