September 24, 2021 by Categorize Turnaround Complexity To Develop An Effective Plan Turnarounds are complex, but not all turnarounds are equal. Different turnarounds, even at the same plant, can carry different inherent levels of complexity. Our NaviTrack tool is incredibly robust and provides work processes for even the most intricate turnarounds—but not every turnaround will call for all of the tools that NaviTrack provides. In order to ensure that NaviTrack gives our users that right tools for the nature of their turnaround, we developed the Complexity Calculator. The Complexity Calculator categorizes a turnaround using the following system based on characteristics independently correlated with turnaround outcomes. This complexity assessment is the starting point for effective planning and preparation. The NaviTrack work process—which includes milestones, activities, job aids, and timing—is deployed in accordance with turnaround complexity. This ensures that the appropriate level of rigor and assurance is leveraged for Mega Complexity turnarounds while not burdening Low Complexity turnarounds with the same requirements. Throughout the AP-Networks assurance process, readiness is similarly tied to turnaround complexity, ensuring that benchmarks of individual turnaround readiness vs. Industry are made on an equivalent basis. Backed By Data, Trusted By Industry The reliability of the Complexity Calculator has been proven over the years throughout hundreds of turnarounds. It is a tried and tested tool rooted in statistical regression models that make use of empirical data from AP-Networks’ engagements with Industry. As the AP-Networks Turnaround Database continues to expand with each new turnaround, our tool becomes ever more robust. AP-Networks’ Complexity Calculator tool is included in the following platform subscriptions: Turnaround Network LEARN MORE Upstream Network LEARN MORE