March 11, 2013 by TINC Europe was held on March 21st – 22st in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 43 participants representing 17 different companies attended. The Turnaround Industry Network Conference (TINC) is the premier turnaround symposium to share best practices proven to deliver safe, event-free, and predictable turnaround outcomes. Sponsored by Asset Performance Networks. THE PROGRAM The ongoing theme of TINC is “The Continuum of Turnaround Excellence,” where participants have the opportunity to meet with peers and gain insights into the latest industry trends and best practices. The two-day conference included presentations covering proven practices in the following topics: In Search of Excellence; Practices & Performance BenchmarksTurnaround Management @ BASF; A Corporate Work ProcessHow to Build Up a Turnaround Cost Estimate; BP’s Guidelines, practices and formatGlobal Turnaround Management; BAYER’s Improvement JourneyResearch Study: Mega Turnarounds; Understanding Your Site’s Execution CapabilityChevron’s Operational Readiness; What is driving Operations Planning?Risk Management; How can Turnarounds Benefit from Risk Management? This year’s presentations and expert panel participation were led by individuals from owner-operator companies such as: BP, BAYER, BASF, Chevron E&P as well as AP-Networks. Some of the feedback from TINC Europe 2013 attendees: “Interesting topics and very experienced presenters”“Operators only! Much better than other conferences I have ever attended.”“Breakout sessions are such a great way to share and learn”“As always, a fantastic evening program with an excellent dinner.” COMPANIES IN ATTENDANCE AT TINC EUROPE 2013 Plans are now being put together for TINC Europe 2014. Please mark your calendars for March 2014. Check back at for more details, coming soon. For more information Contact: