December 4, 2023 by New NaviTrack users on your team? Let them know about FREE NaviTrack webinars!On December 14, 2023, AP-Networks will host our quarterly NaviTrack Refresher Training webinar sessions. With a 45-minute NaviTrack User Training and a 50-minute NaviTrack Administrator Training available, this is a great opportunity for new and lapsed Turnaround Network users and admins to get up to speed on NaviTrack. Register for NaviTrack User TrainingRegister for NaviTrack Administrator Training Offered quarterly, NaviTrack Refresher Training webinars provide a regular opportunity to unlock the potential of your turnaround team and get more out of NaviTrack. Spread the word and sign up today! Users will learn: How to progress their assigned activities How to view reports Time-saving shortcuts Admins will learn: How to set up a turnaround How to edit an existing turnaround How to assign resources to a turnaround Time-saving shortcuts