February 23, 2016 by AP-Networks Leave a Comment Here at AP-Networks, we possess Industry’s largest database of turnaround and shutdown observations, and from looking at the data, one thing is certain: turnarounds are becoming more complex. But this increase in complexity is coming at a time when many companies are seeking to run leaner. At the same time that sites are assembling increasingly smaller teams to tackle these events, experienced workers are retiring in greater numbers. The net result is that turnaround teams are left with not only reduced headcounts, but less experienced personnel. How do you counteract shrinking institutional knowledge? Is it possible to structure planning and controls to hold onto that knowledge, even after veteran workers leave your organization? Beyond preservation, is it possible to create a system capable of transferring that knowledge to new employees? We’ll be discussing this topic on Wednesday, March 23rd at the Turnaround Industry Network Conference (TINC) Europe. TINC Europe is the premier symposium for sharing best practices to deliver safe, event-free, predictable, and competitive outcomes. Register now, and add your voice to the conversation.