February 11, 2017 by Each quarter, AP-Networks Client Implementation Specialist Mimi Eshetu offers NaviTrack Refresher Training. These sessions are administered online, and are open to subscribers of the Turnaround Network, the Upstream Network, and the Capital Project Network. The next training session for Turnaround Network users will take place on Thursday, February 19th, and will be broken into two segments: User Training | 11:00am – 11:30am ESTThis segment is designed for all turnaround stakeholders. Topics covered include progressing assigned activities, viewing reports,time saving shortcuts, and more.Admin Training | 11:30 – 12:20 ESTThis segment is designed for turnaround managers. Topics covered include setting up a turnaround, editing an existing turnaround,assigning resources to a turnaround, time saving shortcuts, and more. To sign up: 1. Log into your account on www.turnaround-network.com.2. Navigate to the “Tools” page.