December 11, 2014 by December 4th – 5th, 2014 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Asset Performance Networks (AP-Networks) Co-Founder and Managing Director Brett Schroeder will be speaking at the 3rd Annual Plant Reliability & Major Maintenance event in December. The event, hosted by Fleming Gulf, takes place from December 4th through the 5th in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and focuses on striking a balance between competitive maintenance costs, occupational and process safety, and asset integrity. Brett’s presentation, “Key Success Factors Driving Turnaround Performance: Sharing Best Practices” will utilize the AP-Networks Turnaround Database to analyze performance trends from the refining and chemical sectors. In analyzing these trends, Brett will examine measurement strategies for planning and preparation, and highlight key focus areas for turnaround performance improvement. In addition to being a featured presenter, AP-Networks is proud to be a sponsor of the Plant Reliability & Major Maintenance event as well. Learn more about the Plant Reliability & Major Maintenance event on their website: