February 17, 2020 by AP-Networks Leave a Comment The AP-Networks Software Toolset will grow with the addition of PYXIS and acXis FEBRUARY 2020 Readiness is the key indicator of success when it comes to projects and turnarounds. Risk management and effective action tracking are integral to optimizing readiness. Asset Performance Networks (AP-Networks) is readying two new software tools—PYXIS and acXis—to bring risk management and action tracking to the company’s online software portals: the Turnaround Network, the Capital Project Network, and the Upstream Network. The tools will be available for subscription at the end of March. The online portals are part of the AP-Networks Software Toolset, which is in use at more than 400 facilities in over 50 countries throughout the world, including more than 80 percent of US refineries. Contained within these tools is NaviTrack, the Industry-standard work process deployment tool. NaviTrack has given companies across the globe the means to successfully and effectively implement their work process, transforming it into an interactive, daily-use solution. However, these same sites often maintain risk registers or action trackers in spreadsheets. Unlike the activities in NaviTrack, the items in these spreadsheets are static. They can’t be assigned to individuals, tied to deliverables, tracked, or viewed by leadership. With PYXIS and acXis, sites can finally get rid of the spreadsheets once and for all. PYXIS brings the risk register into the AP-Networks online software portals. This robust risk management tool is equipped with risk identification and evaluation functionalities, along with the ability to assign and track activities related to risk. Additionally, the tool has comprehensive risk reporting capabilities. While PYXIS brings risk management into AP-Networks’ portals, acXis brings everything together. acXis is poised to become the definitive action tracker for Industry. Its purpose is simple: assign activities and get them done. With acXis, your work process activities from NaviTrack and your risk management activities from PYXIS are in one list, alongside all the other tasks that need to get done in the course of your event. With PYXIS and acXis, you can take control of event readiness like never before. For more information, or to schedule a demo, contact AP-Networks today. About Asset Performance Networks AP-Networks is the trusted leader for improving asset and operational performance in petroleum, chemical, and energy companies worldwide. We work with our clients’ most critical assets—their people, processes, and production facilities—to help them achieve safe, competitive, predictable outcomes on their high-risk events, namely capital projects and turnarounds. Our consultants are internationally recognized leaders and experts in project management, turnaround management, operations, benchmarking, risk management, and more. Our team leverages proprietary, data-driven tools that help our clients Aim Higher to achieve superior business outcomes and Aim Smarter to drive breakthrough performance. For further information regarding our full range of products and services, please visit us at www.AP-Networks.com. Media Contact: communications@ap-networks.com